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2018 Handouts
Opening Session_Thursday_Jeff Rowe MD_Setting the Stage_PPT Handout
Keynote Thursday_Chandra Ghosh Ippen_Handout with Video Links
Keynote Thursday_Chandra Ghosh Ippen-PPT Handout
Friday Keynote_Pradeep Gidwani_Engaging Families_PPT Handout
Keynote Saturday_Jeff Rowe_Working Together WCW 2018_Final
A-1_Ahmed, Dilkhwaz_How to Work with Middle Eastren Families_PPT Handout
A-3_Gashaw-Gant_Engaging Families from East Africa_PPT Handout
A-4_Michelle Ly_Engaging Families from Asia and Pacific Islands_PPT Handout
B-1_Pradeep Gidwani_Impact of Trauma on Nurture and Development_PPT Handout
B-2_Chandra Ghosh Ippen_Common Play Themes in CPP_PPT Handout
B-2_Chandra Ghosh Ippen_Common Play Themes in CPP_PPT Handout (1)
B-3_Marilyn English_Engaging African American Families__Handout 1_Historical time line
B-3_Marilyn English_Engaging African American Families_Handout 1B_Nguzo Saba
B-3_Marilyn English_Engaging African American Families_Handout 3_Promote Cultural Competence
B-3_Marilyn English_Engaging African American Families__Handout 4_what makes a good community
B-3_Marilyn English_Engaging African American Families_Handout 4 B_what makes a good community
B-3_Marilyn English_Engaging African American Families_Handout 5
B-3_Marilyn English_Engaging African American Families_PPT Handout
B-4_Linder_Mathson_Elva_When Sensory Gets in the Way_PPT Handout
B-6_Pavlovich and Lozada_Impact of Community Violence_PPT Handout
B-7_Melanie Walker_Art-Based Interventions in Therapy_PPT Handout
B-8_ Wells_ Trauma and TAY Youth Parenting Children_PPT Handout
C-1_Jeff Rowe_DevPsychopathologyTrauma_PPT Handout
C-2_Dilkhwaz Ahmed_Blanketed by Blame_PPT Handout
C-3_Kate Clark_ Families Living in Fear of Deportation_PPT Handout
C-4_Plimpton and Brooks_Grandparents Raising Grandparents_PPt Handout
C-4_Plimpton and Brooks_Handout_YMCA Kinship Support Flyer_English
C-4_Plimpton and Brooks_Handout_YMCA Kinship Support Flyer_Spanish
C-6_Lisa LIner_Media Resources for Providers and Families
C-6_Lisa LInder_Media Resources for Providers and Families
C-7_Seth Schwartz_What Schoold Can Do to Support SpecialEd_PPT Handout
C-8_Luck Luckey_Trans 101 LGBTQI_PPT Handout
C-8_Luck Lucky_EngagingLGBTQI _LGBTParentTips
C-8_Luck Lucky_EngagingLGBTQI _Staff Tips
C-8_Luck Luckey_Engaging LCGTQI_LGBTStaffTips
C-8_Luck Lucky_EngagingLGBTQI _SolutionFocusedQ_LGBTYouth
C-8_Luck Lucky_EngagingLGBTQI _CasePracticeTransgender
D-1_Charmi Patel Rao_To Give or Not to Give Meds_PPT Handout
D-2_Lidot_Handout_Tips for Following Protocol When Working With Tribal Communities
D-2_Lidot_PPT Handout
D-2_Tom Lidot_PPT Handout
D-3_Debbie Bilka_Military Families_Handout
D-5_Josh Feder MD_Handout_Lessons from War Zones – Supporting Young Children and Families Impacted by Traumatic Stress
D-6_Lunardini_ When Infants and Toddlers Grieve _PPT Handout
D-7_Dr Winegarden_Vicarious Trauma and Wellness
D-8_Miriah de Matos_MI Relationship Based Approach
E-1 and F-1_ CosicoBerge and Hyde_no preschooler left behind
E-1 and F-1_Cosico Berge and Hyde_Handout
E-5 and F-5_Lonstretch and Garrity_Effective Discipline Policies_PPT Handout
E-2 and F-2_D VonRotz_FLIP IT_Handout
E-2 and F-2_D VonRotz_Real World Techniques_Behavioral Mgmt in the Preschool Classroom_PPT Handout
E-3 and F-3_Lexie Palacio_ Child Abuse Reporting_PPT Handout